Installing JDeveloper 11g on Ubuntu 8.10

I recently got a little annoyed at Vista and upgraded my desktop workstation to run Ubuntu Linux.  As it has been the holiday season and I’ve been busy modeling in XML (more on that later!), I hadn’t had the chance yet to install or run JDeveloper 11g on my newly configured desktop.  Today I decided as part of the new year, I’d take the plunge and give it a whirl.

Here are the steps I followed to install JDeveloper 11g on Ubuntu.

1.  First off, download the installer from Oracle here:  I downloaded the Linux install that includes JDK 6 as running java -version at a terminal in Ubuntu revealed that I was running 1.5.0.

2.  Change the permissions of the downloaded bin file to allow execute.  chmod +x jdev* if you are lazy like me.

3.  Open a terminal window and change directory to the directory where the downloaded file is.

4.  type ./jdev* to run the downloaded file, as long as there are no other files whose name begin with jdev in that folder, if there are, type the whole thing out.

5.  Choose complete install - you are going to need it all anyway.

6.  I allowed it to install under my home directory.

7.  After it installed and the Quickstart Launcer appeared, I chose to open JDeveloper Studio.

8.  Since the installer did not create a menu item for me in my Applications Menu, I did that manually.

9.  Right click on the Applications Menu and choose “Edit Menus”.

10.  Select the Menu you want to add the entry to, I chose “Programming”.

11.  Select “New Item”, for the Type choose “Application”, for the Name: “JDeveloper”, for the Command: “[Install Dir]/Oracle/Middleware/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev” replacing [Install Dir] with the correct path.

And that’s all there is to it.  Probably not even worth a post at this point, but since I typed it while installing it and I didn’t realize it was going to be so painless, I might as well post it anyway.  I’ll post again about it if I run into any quirks using it, hopefully it’s as seamless as the installation was.


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