Off to Oracle Open World 2008

Tomorrow morning I am off to Oracle Open World 2008.  This is the 5th year that we will be exhibiting there, and I believe this will be the most exciting year yet.  I’m sure that the show will be interesting, it usually is, and I get to hang out with some people that have become friends over the years via the show.  I believe their Appreciate event features Elvis Costello this year.  I don’t think that is going to compare to Billy Joel’s performance last year, or the sheer fact that you had to choose between Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz and Billy Joel, but it should be fun nonetheless.

What I am really excited about this time around, however, is more business oriented.  This year we will be demoing our Evo forms conversion tool, as we always do, but this year we are converting forms to Oracle’s ADF 11g framework, both the ADF Business Components and the ADF Rich Faces layer.  I’m not going to tell you that these forms are being converted 100%, frankly, I don’t think that it’s possible in a practical way.  We are converting enough of the forms to show a fully functioning BC layer and a fully functioning UI layer, however, and that is, IMHO, pretty cool to see.

So if you are going to OOW this year, be sure to stop by Vgo Software’s booth and ask for a demo.  Be sure to check out the group discussion about creating an ADF Methodology that I will be participating in at the Unconference, stop by to see Andrejus Baranovski’s presentation and the other Unconference presentation Andrejus and I will be doing about using ADF 11g as a platform for forms conversions.  It will be similar to the talk I gave at ODTUG, but it will probably be a little more technical with Andrejus’s input.

Hope to see you there!


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