To convert forms or upgrade - good question

So, I get this all the time “Why should I convert my perfectly good Forms?”. The answer is you should if you have a good reason to. If you don’t, by all means stay there (until, of course, one day Oracle decides you will not have Forms at all anymore; around 1213 or so, and then you’ll need to do something). I see TON’s of blog’s about the topic. Mostly these entries are on Oracle-centric sites and are not, perhaps, as objective as they could be. So, here’s my opinion on the matter (as I find myself to be a relatively objective person).

Wait, before beginning, I need to pull out a blog-shaped soap box.

These efforts aren’t “conversions”. This isn’t a translation exercise. Meaning, if you think you can change from one computing architecture to a completely different one by pushing a button, you’re nuts. It’s just not realistic. From the outset of Vgo Software (and prior to that, NEOS) we used the word “evolution” or “modernize”. To reach a stage of evolution, you have to work at it to reach the full potential of the modernized state (whoa… I’m feeling a little Zen here).

Think about this, Oracle DBA’s out there: when you upgraded from v7 to v8 of the database, did you use consider the cool new features like partitions, a better cost-based optimizer (though, in my ex-DBA opinions, still not great then) or materialized views (I’m publishing my age here)? If you did, did you get all that stuff by upgrading? NO. You had to reconsider your applications using the DB and what impact that the changes would have on them. 

I shouldn’t mention that your manager wouldn’t give you time to implement any of the good stuff as I’m sure that wasn’t/isn’t common at all.

So, back to Forms and Java.  The people that should want to convert would be those folks who want to integrate applications in a standard way.  They want to move towards service orientation and can see integration across application silo’s.  These folks may want to move away from Oracle as an application solution and move toward open-source, allowing them to use a wide community of development resources.  Of course, Oracle has been making great strides as we can attest to. 

But why is Forms evolution hard?  It’s hard because there is alot to do to create a solid JEE app.  In a code translation (of which there are a large number), an engine maps each construct to a “Java equivalent” which may, or may not, be proprietary to the translator.  What you do in those cases is create at least 2 different source files (possibly 10 times more) for every Forms program unit, trigger, etc. creating a huge mess.  Maybe it works, most likely it will not, but then your stuck with 1 million source files and no way to maintain them.

We put in a lot of effort to try to allow people to clean up and consolidate code in forms applications (we’re the only one’s who do that, BTW) and even build customized classes from existing forms components.  Our last release allows you to do this across different forms applications, creating true enterprise-class applications and services.

There is also discussion about modernizing Forms apps by putting all of the PL/SQL in the form into the database (perhaps the re-surgence of mainframe computing is making it into the distributed database market).  This approach was taken by forward thinking companies in the mid-to-late ’90’s by taking core business rules out of their forms and wrapping them in CRUD procedures in Oracle to thin out the front end.  A good approach back in the client/server days.  In fact, I did that myself with a large annuities application.  But now you have application servers that run real Java; why would you want to isolate your business logic in a single database?  What about sharing that logic with other apps (yes, I know you can do that to some degree in Oracle)?  What about exposure as a web service from different platforms?  And how many PL/SQL programmers can be found to manage really large apps that stuff all of their logic in a database?  In my opinion, fattening the database isn’t a viable architectural solution in this day and age.  If you want to thin-out your front end, that’s great, just don’t dump all of it in the database. 

So, I’ve written this over a vast amount of time, being a poor blogger (Rob may suspend my blogging privileges after this release).  Maybe it’s insightful to you; therapeutic to me.


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