What’s Life Without Music?

So, since many may have found my last post to be pretty drab, all about ADF and all, I decided I’d spice up this blog by every now and then letting you all in on what music I’m listening to. If I get crazy enough, maybe I’ll even take the time to post a last.fm widget up here so you can get the latest info on what I’m listening to (come on, you know you want to).

My musical tastes are fairly varied, in the last hour while I’ve been sitting here, I’ve been listening to Jay-Z (his first, Reasonable Doubt), Kittie (their latest), and Feist (The Reminder). All good stuff, but I really have a soft spot for female-lead punk rock, and the more they don’t fight the poppiness of punk the better.

The Dollyrots - Because I'm Awesome

That being said, the album I’ve probably spent the most time listening to over the last month, the cd that has been in my car since I got it, is the latest album by The Dollyrots, Because I’m Awesome. I like it because it is pretty much pop-punk the way it should be, a lot of tongue-in-cheek in both the lyrics and the music. I was a pretty big fan of The Donnas years back, but as they’ve gotten older, and especially on their newest releasse, they just seem to take themselves too seriously. The Dollyrots, on the other hand, still do not, not with lyrics like “I don’t need you cause I’m neato and I beat you, ’cause I’m awsome.”

So if you are in the mood for some good ole pop-punk check out the Dollyrots, they won’t disappoint.

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